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Pass It On: an Introduction to the Committee

The digital format has definitely changed the way the organising committee works. Communication, trust and dependency are key points in all teams, but they are inevitably crucial when you throw zoom-calls into the mix. It is not always easy, especially when you do not get to meet the people you work parallel with. Nonetheless, the admiration for each other and the appreciation of everyone's work does not go unnoticed. We have therefore done a round of "pass it on" to get to know each other and spread some compliments. Welcome to the ACC Organising Committee 2021!

Emma Halkjær

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

25 years old, Cand. IT - 10th semester, IT & Digitalisation

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Engaging with like-minded students in creating an extraordinary event, contributing to the legacy of Aarhus Case Competition. Seeing our premium partners and colleagues thrive in using our chosen virtual platform for the first time. Such a relief for my team and I to finally see all of our hard work come into play!

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Rethinking how ACC can transform into a virtual format while still remaining true to its identity and purpose. Ambitions and hard work can move mountains. Not even a pandemic can change that.

Pass it on to who and why?

Not only does Morten have great hair. He also ensured that the whole committee is well-dressed and nice looking. An accomplishment in itself! He recruits top-tier judges as easily as picking his nose. Well done Head of BR!

Morten Agnholt Andersen

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

25 years old, Cand.merc.IT - 8th semester, Head of Business Relations

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Getting to work with my bright fellow students who can challenge my perception of the tasks in front of us. The few times we got to see each other physically and to see my fellow BR-members go above and beyond for our premium partners in a time of great uncertainty

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

The ever-changing nature of this year's ACC, which due to COVID-19 has required lots of iterative thinking and has turned many processes upside down. You can only plan for so much in a project. In the end, what you are evaluted on, is your ability to cope and deal with the unexpected.

Pass it on to who and why?

Mathias has been a precious gift to the BR team with his engagement and positive attitude. He is always ready to help out and has a strong "can do" attitude which I have valued highly.

Mathias Rysholt Jensen

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

24 years old, BSc. Erhvervsøkonomi, Business Relations

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Meet some new and inspiring students, and get them to learn. They are all very dedicated, to run this cool event, in the best possible way. Furthermore I really enjoy meeting some interesting people beside the ACC committee. To me, our Kickoff event was a great memory. It gave us the opportunity to make a cool outside event, and show the city that ACC is ready to receive the students in week 15.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

The biggest challenge so far, has off course been to make the best possible event, with this pandemic running around the world. This means that you have to rethink the event, and make some new initiatives. All the new friendships is definitely something I will take with me. Furthermore, I think that I have learned a lot by working with the external partners.

Pass it on to who and why?

Mads (Studs) is a person with both feet on the ground. Every time I meet him, he is always ready for a small talk, and always with a smile.

Mads Studsgaard Jensen

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

25 years old, cand.oecon Economics and Management, Case Writer

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

The people. It is always a pleasure to work and interact with such a great team, where everyone shares the same vision, and is dedicated to create the best ACC-experience despite this year's extra challenges. I have a lot of great memories, but my greatest memory is definitely the cabin trip. It was such a fun weekend, where we got to meet everyone from the committee, and I could not imagine this year being the same without it.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

One of the best things about being part of the ACC committee is the social experiences and new friendships. Unfortunately, due to the current situation with COVID, the social interaction has been severely limited. During my ACC tenure, I have often had to leave my comfort zone. This has helped me to become much more comfortable in professional settings, and it has definitely improved my skillset.

Pass it on to who and why?

Anna always has a smile on her face, and it is always fun to be around her. She also makes for a great partner in beer pong, although mostly for mental support - she will not hit a cup!

Anna Daugbjerg Jakobsen

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

25 years old, cand.merc Strategic communication, Event Coordinator

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

I love to be a part of a committee and a great team, where we in collaboration are creating something big and great. It is educational to be surrounded by so many young people, who are so skilled and motivated. It really inspires me and makes me want to work harder and longer all of the time. Filming the promo-video in the beginning. That was a really great experience for me because we were working together with PR Marketing, and they just blew my mind. They were all so skilled and professional from the beginning, and they had a vision and they executed it. So cool!! Thank you for that :)

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Definitely that everything is online and the entire event is being created and built up virtually. It is difficult and confusing sometimes to communicate with the other teams, because it is online, and then it is just sad that we are not seeing each other. Because every person in this committee is truly incredible and sweet. All the inspiration and motivation the other members of this committee has given me. Everyone's so focused and passionate about what they do, and really puts a pride in their work. That has given me a whole new level of "blod på tanden" :) I will also take with me all the beneficial practical knowledge it has given me, it is nice to be a part of something bigger, and it has taught me a lot to work with all the teams, managing and helping each other. This experience has given me more confidence and a new admiration for other people and how awesome it is to create something together.

Pass it on to who and why?

Karoline is the most structured and hardworking person i know. She always seems to know everything, and even though it is not her task or area of expertise, then she is on top of it, and can always provide you with an answer or solution. She gets her things done always, and is never lacking behind and she still manages to find time to help others. And as a bonus, she is super sweet which is nice.

Karoline Emilie Kirkegaard Therkildsen

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

24 years old, Cand.merc Marketing, 8th semester, PR & Marketing

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Experiencing the whole PRM team coming together to contribute in solving a challenge or creating great content for ACC - but also working with so many excellent minds across all teams. The Kick-off event! Driving around with two of my great colleagues while also seeing some of the people in the committee that I do not get to see all of the time.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Not seeing the whole team (in real life) since December has been a challenge when working on so many different projects. I will definitely always remember how much you can achieve and develop (professionally and personally) by bringing together so many different competencies and personalities.

Pass it on to who and why?

I do not know what ACC 2021 would do without Kristian. He is a graphical genius! He has always got my back when I need help with graphical work - also when it is last minute.

Kristian Højland

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

25 years old, BSc. Erhvervsøkonomi, PR & Marketing

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

The thing I enjoy the most of all is definitely the people. Being surrounded by motivated and ambitious people makes the work totally worthwhile, and seeing the events take shape is something very special. I have a lot of great memories with ACC like our kick-off event, our wine-tasting, creating the Case Solving Booklet, collaborating with the other teams and establishing an improved visual identity for ACC going forward with my fellow PR & Marketing team members

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

The biggest challenge so far, besides the pandemic, has probably been the ACC Case Solving Booklet - a project that i have been working on with the case writing team. The project has been quite big in scope compared to other graphics projects i’ve done previously, but I think it has turned out very well and I'm excited for people to see it. All the friendships and the fact that you can achieve so much when a group of passionate people are focused on a shared vision.

Pass it on to who and why?

I want to pass this on to Donald, because he is an absolute professional when it comes to anything ACC related, but more importantly, he is top-class teammate when it comes to both beer-pong and music-quizzes.

Donald Karstensen

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

26 years old, BSc. Erhvervsøkonomi, Case Writer

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

The great challenge to create one of the biggest case competitions in the Nordics. And of course, the opportunity to work with like minded students and inspirational partners Skipping food and drinking I-Am-Vodka on the rocks with my team after a 12-hour long CSB editing session. Also, doing a live FB interview with Mikkel Pedersen, HR Senior Consultant at Lidl Denmark, at Lidl's office in Tranbjerg.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Social cohesion during a global pandemic. Long-lasting friendships and an "anything-is-possible" attitude

Pass it on to who and why?

He is perhaps one of the most dedicated people I have ever met. Without him Aarhus Case Competition would not have been the same.

Valdemar Otto Sloth

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

22 years old, BSc. Economics & Business Administration, Head of Case Writer

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Collaborating with great and motivated people both internally and externally in ACC is a true pleasure. There is indeed a monumental power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals. Creating a brand new Case Solving Booklet in collaboration with the greatest and most dedicated people.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Transforming ACC to an online event during a pandemic. A great learning for me as well as the entire committee is the fact that it is only after you have stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.

Pass it on to who and why?

Alberte - She is always well prepared and professional in the way she conducts her work.

Alberte Sehested Dyrgaard

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

24, Cand.ling.merc. International Business Communication, Head of PR & Marketing

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Being part of the ACC committee, I really enjoy working closely together with the rest of the committee members – both within and across the teams which are composed of students from different study programmes. This brings a diversity of perspectives which challenges and inspires my thoughts. A great memory for me is being part of the team that digitally transformed Aarhus Case Competition, an organisation that has existed for 10 years, into a whole new format, namely a virtual event that accommodates the contemporary societal demands while still offering everything we stand for.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

The biggest challenge so far - which to me was also my most important task - was to ensure motivation within my team during months of lockdown where we were not able to meet in person. Motivation is essential for the work we do and to make it as much of a joy as possible to be part of the ACC committee. For me, there are two major things I will take with me.

The first thing is the friendships that have emerged from working closely together with the rest of the organising committee towards making ACC 2021 a success.

The second is the learnings acquired from being part of the PR & Marketing team, especially regarding collaboration and planning.

Pass it on to who and why?

Joining the committee without knowing any of the other members beforehand, Kaja was so welcoming and kind from the very first day and she has been so very since.

Kaja Berfjord

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

23 years old, cand.merc. Marketing, Recruitment & Nordic Relations

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Meeting and collaborating with ambitious and motivated people! Also experience how we as a group work together and seeing how our efforts and hard work are put into action. Filming a video for ACC Advanced to introduce them to Aarhus, since they don’t have the possibility to come and see "smilets by" for themselves!

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Not having the opportunity to meet physically, I was also a part of the committee last year and I really miss the social part because it really is something special in ACC! I have learned a lot about teamwork, how important it is that we cooperate, communicate and trust each other! Also how much you learn both professionally and personally with being a part of the committee is definitely something i will take with me

Pass it on to who and why?

Kristine - She is always positive and sees solutions instead of problems, and she is always there if you want to have a talk!

Kirstine Næss

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

24 years old, cand.merc. Information Management, IT & Digitalisation

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

I enjoy the very special bond that we develop with each other in the committee, and the great balance of developing professionally, but also personally. The friendships and experiences that I have made throughout my ACC time, and the feeling of succeeding with something in union, especially stand out for me. The cabin trip that we were able to arrange early last autumn was so special this year. We had already had half a year of restricted social interactions, and I remember thinking that weekends like that will feel more special when we can return to normal life. The committee is really top notch this year, amazing people all around!

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

The biggest challenge this year has - maybe not surprisingly - been hosting ACC in the midst of a pandemic. However, I am very proud of the dedication from my fellow ACCers, and our agility. ACC will be totally reinvented this year, and I believe that this is very healthy for us. Maybe some digital aspects will stay in the following years as well? I will take the great friendships, and an appreciation of true teamwork.

Pass it on to who and why?

Andreas is amazing to have on our team in stressful situations. He keeps his cool, and focuses on fixing the problem and making the most of the situation. Also, his kind and quick witted nature is really appreciated!

Andreas Bächler

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

25 years old, ITKO, IT & Digitalisation

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Being a part of a great team, where we can always share our thoughts and concerns about the IT aspects, and come up with great solutions together. Finding and agreeing on the case and event platform

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

The challenges in the coordination of 'who is saying something now' in Zoom meetings. Some great tools and techniques in how to organize and structure a project with so many people.

Pass it on to who and why?

Jonas - He's got a sharp mind and is really good with the more technical stuff.

Jonas Rebsdorf Nilsson

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

26 years old, cand.merc. Information Management, IT & Digitalisation

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Solving new and unfamiliar challenges with people you haven't worked with before. Especially the feeling you get when all of the pieces fit together at the end and you feel like you have created something that is valued by partners and contestants. The pre-event. Seeing something that you have worked hard on for weeks and where several things can go wrong, actually work as intended, and where you get a lot of credit from partners and contestants was amazing. Even though it was very stressful, the feeling of accomplishment afterwards was worth it all.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Rethinking ACC and trying to bring the format into a digital setting. Teamwork is key! Being able to communicate, coordinate and trust the people is extremely important when it comes to realizing a project like this. If you do not work together, the final output will not be a cohesive and complete result. And then of course all of the memories and friendships.

Pass it on to who and why?

Magnus is your PR/M swiss knife! He is extremely talented within several areas and with his “can do” mentality he is the guy you go to if you need anything fixed, may it be programming, visuals or numbers. All of this combined with him being a very friendly and funny, Magnus is the guy that you want on your team!

Magnus A. Damiri

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

22 years old, BSc. Economics and Business Administration, PR & Marketing

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

The thing I enjoy most about ACC is the fact that we have a shared responsibility and your pears have trust in you. At ACC, we are friends, not colleagues. My greatest ACC memory was just at the end of the Pre-event. The satisfaction and feeling of accomplishment made all the hard work worth it!

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

One of my biggest challenges has been to integrate the updated website and to help at the pre-event. These projects require a lot of flexibility and adaptability, which was challenging but also quite exciting. I have definitely learned many things that I will take with me, e.g. working with external partners. And of course the camaraderie as well

Pass it on to who and why?

I truly admire Mia for doing such a great job with limited resources. She always has a great story, and the party always starts when she arrives. There is never a dull moment while being at her company.

Mia Mondrup Hjuleraa

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

24 years old, BSc. Marketing and Management Communication, Recruitment and Nordic Relations.

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

The best thing of being a part of the committee is the social networking with the other members and working together with brilliant and motivated people. Furthermore, the skills and competences you receive by working hands-on provides more practical experience. Filming the welcome video for ACC Advanced around in Aarhus to introduce them to our city. We were chasing the best spots in Aarhus in our blazers even though it was 2 degrees. Luckily we had a lot of fun with the takes and re-takes

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

The digital aspect of this years case competition and how everything should come together when not having experienced it before. Also, being a part of last years committee where we had much more physical interaction is a challenge this year due to Covid-19. Being ready to constantly develop a new solution to problems and be creative and also how to collaborate with different people and being provided with tools to do so. The social part is also something I will take with me with long-lasting friendships.

Pass it on to who and why?

Johanne - Always in a great mood and spreads good energy

Johanne Hartmann

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

24 years old, BSc Economics and Business Administration, Event Coordinator

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

To be part of something bigger. All teams collaborate and work together to form all aspects of an extremely well executed event from the beginning to end. This process is highly appreciated and motivating to be a part of. Seeing how our first event, Kick-Off was executed. It was great to see how all our planning finally came into play.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

The current situation. Covid-19 has made it difficult because we haven't been able to meet other komitee members physically. Since we are dealing with problems that haven't been faced in ACC before, it would have been great brainstorming ideas with other komitee members from different teams. Some great tools and skills, that will be a beneficial factor onwards. I have learned that with great teamwork, anything is possible and all new challenges can be solved. Most of all I think this experience has given me confidence, having confidence in the people I work with, confidence that if all hands are on deck anything is possible and confident in moving out of your comfort zone can be beneficial both on the academic and personal level.

Pass it on to who and why?

Kasper is an energy bomb. He brings a lot of joy to a stressful meeting. He has the ability to keep a calm mind when waves are high. He is very resourceful and comes with solutions when needed.

Kasper Lund

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

25 years old, BSc. Economics & Business Administration, Event Coordinator

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

The thing I enjoy the most, is getting to know all these new faces and working together to great the best solutions as possible under different circumstance. The first kick-off event is definitely one of the greatest memories so far. We worked hard to achieve this, and everything turn out just perfect at the end.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

The biggest challenge so far has been the fact that we haven’t been able to meet face to face most of the time. Definitely a large group of new friends and with a little bit of rethinking and some hard work everything is possible.

Pass it on to who and why?

If AK hasn't raised a question, something is wrong! She is one of the most detailed people I ever work with and it is a pleasure to have her in our group. Not only is she a structured person with a great overview - she is also funny as hell!

Anne-Kathrine Thomasson

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

26 years old, cand.merc. Marketing, Event Coordinator

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

To be part of the whole process of establishing such a great event from the very beginning, and to have fun with the other committee members. We are always enjoying each others' company, even when we are busy. Getting to meet all of the other committee members at our team trip to Harboøre - something that I think has definitely strengthened our work and collaboration here later in the process.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Sometimes it can be difficult to sense what is going on in the other teams since we cannot meet physically. The professional and personal experience you obtain from planning and executing ACC in a whole new format. There are lots of unknown factors and insecurity, but due to the committee members' high level of collaboration and engagement, the puzzle pieces are slowly falling into place. This is definitely something I will take with me.

Pass it on to who and why?

Anne-Sofie is so funny. She brings a lot of positive energy, and it spreads to people around her. If you need good advice (no matter whether it is related to ACC, pizza or pinguins), just ask Anne-Sofie! She always has a hilarious answer, and she's ready to discuss both fun and serious topics.

Anne-Sofie Aavad

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

24 years old, cand.merc Information Management, Business Relations

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Being part of a dedicated team that works hard to create something of value for students in a year where they have missed out on so much else. The Game of Consultancy. Being at the Clearwater office and sensing the buzzing vibe from both students and consultants during the pitching sessions was amazing, and we really felt ACC succeeded in bringing the ACC spirit to a digital format.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Finding your place in a team which you cannot meet and maintaining the motivation in uncertainty - I find that the social aspect is often what keeps you motivated about voluntary work, especially when things are complicated. How much a group of people can accomplish when they put their efforts together.

Pass it on to who and why?

I am so amazed with how much Julie can do only being on her 2nd. semester. She makes so impressive content for all ACC media and still manages to take such an active part in the work with our partners. Julie has so much drive and has put a lot of it into ACC - she deserves a lot of credit!

Julie Sihm Vejlsgaard

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

20, BSc. Economics & Business Administration, PR & Marketing

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Brainstorming with the PR&M team - we always generate better ideas this way. In between, we talk about everything else. One of many great memories is filming with the team - whether that be our first promo video or filming at VENZO.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Communicating and getting my ideas across on zoom! I will definitely take with me how many people's work and trust come together to create something even bigger is amazing to be part of.

Pass it on to who and why?

Kristina - She has so many creative ideas, and she responds extremely fast.

Kristina Biller

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

24 years old, BSc. Marketing & Management Communication, PR & Marketing

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

The best thing about being a part of the ACC committee is that when you are preparing one of the biggest case competitions in the Nordics you do not feel like you are actually working. All of the teams are composed of such amazing people with the best personalities and spirits. So, it feels like you are just chatting with your friends while gaining a ton of experience which can later be transferred into your study job. This will definately be the day that the Lidl kick off event was held. It had been a long planning period with the event being planned, replanned, and replanned again because of the restrictions, so seeing that the event was executed successfully and that there were so many that participated was beyond amazing!

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Rethinking almost everything that has been done the previous years. In a time when nothing was certain we had to come up with entirely new ideas on how to engage the students and convince them that the ACC week was going to happen no matter what. It took quite some time to solve this mystery, but I think we got through it pretty well by showing examples of how good care we were going to take of them. Of course the friendships I have gotten. I think it is amazing that even though we have met each other such few times that we still can have such good connection everyone, which only shows how closely it can connect someone who works towards a common goal. Another thing I will take with me is all of the practical knowledge I have gained from working in the PR & Marketing team. I have learned so much about all of the different elements that is included in this practice and about how to work in a team.

Pass it on to who and why?

Every time I have seen Rasmus, he has always gotten the biggest smile on his face, which is purely amazing and lifts up everyone's mood.

Rasmus Grøn

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

23, cand.merc. International Economic Consulting, Business Relations

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

I love being part of the committee where personal development and collaboration is key. I really like that we are given a lot of responsibility. This gives a sense of ownership which really makes it a great experience. Finally, I find it very cool to be planning the ACC in a completely new digital setup. The most important rule in the BR-team: ALWAYS having an after-work beer/soda with the team. Even after long days it was great to take a step back and chill with the other guys.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Social interaction is a big part of being in the ACC committee. Not being able to meet up physically with the other teams have created a lot of challenges regarding collaboration and communication across the committee. Taking part in the BR team of ACC committee has allowed me to get some exclusive insights into how our partners operate. Moreover, our partners really want us to succeed. Hence, I can take all the great feedback from our sparring- and mentor sessions with me. Finally, working with all the great people/friends in a challenging environment has created a cooperative and cohesive committee. This, I am sure will turn into long-lasting relations.

Pass it on to who and why?

In addition to being very diligent in a working setting, Laura is an expert in creating a great and cosy environment. She is always welcoming us all to come to her home, where the atmosphere is amazing and snacks are provided. This is truly acknowledged and appreciated by the entire team, and as a result she has been awarded as head of BR-fun.

Laura Amalie Holm Jørgensen

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

25 years old, Cand.merc B2B Marketing & Purchasing, Business Relations

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Being a part of ambitious and motivated team who each bring their own skills and ideas. A great memory for me is seeing how the kick-off event turned out to be a big success.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Communicating and getting information across online. That everything is possible. You just have to look at it from a different perspective.

Pass it on to who and why?

I'm really impressed with Amalie’s hard working & "can do" attitude, and then she also have a lovely personality.

Amalie Raae Høybye

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

25 years old, Cand.merc Finance & International Business, Head of Event

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Being a part of the committee and working together with a lot of great people. Also creating a big event, all the way from idea to execution and experiencing how all of our hard work is coming together. And last but not least having fun with all the other committee members. Experiencing how all of the hard work and planning of the committee came together when successfully executing both the kick-off event and Game of Consultancy.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

The uncertain times and constantly having to change the format of the event this year. Also not being able to meet up all of us at the same time makes communication more challenging. What I will take with me is that everything is possible if we just work together and keep an open mind. Even though we have been very challenged this year with COVID-19 we have found great solutions to all of the challenges we have met. Always being prepared and open minded will make it a lot easier to adapt to changes. Also I will take a lot of great friendships with me.

Pass it on to who and why?

Emma has a great overview of everything that is going on in the committee and always has time to spare and gives good advice. Emma is also a lot of fun.

Emma Hergott

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

24 years old, Cand.merc. Marketing, Head Coordinator

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

I enjoy experiencing the teamwork and friendship across the committee strengthen. How the entire committee work together, explore their creativity and support each other's ideas, while challenging each other to constant evolve and think bigger, in order to create a major event that all our fellow students can participate in. The evolvement of our committee. From our very first online meeting, where no one had turned on their camara upon entry and me being excited for finally gathering the committee. Till now, where everyone enter meetings with camera on, always small talking before we start and helping each other with tips during. It may not be a concrete memory, but it makes me proud and happy for being part of ACC 2021.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

As we have been unable to meet physically, it has been a challenge to get a feeling of the motivation across the committee and sense if information got through the entire committee. However, the members are excellent at touching base and so far, we have had two successful events. People want to do things for their friends. Hence, doing teambuilding at the beginning of a project is important for creating the best possible foundation for the project. And then... watch the project develop into something great.

Pass it on to who and why?

If you had not already a smile on your face, you will after talking to Benjamin! He is kind, creative and has an excellent can-do attitude - an excellent asset for the event team.

Benjamin Nguyen

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

25 years old, BSc. Erhvervsøkonomi, Event Coordinator

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

The great people and their wonderful commitment. You're always told that young people are the future, being part of ACC really supports that assertion. Seeing what 30 passionate individuals are capable of really amazes me. Experiencing how neatly Kick-Off was executed. This could not have been done without great planning and organisational skills shown from certain members of the committee.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Approaching problems no other ACC committee has encountered. Friendships and a lot of great memories.

Pass it on to who and why?

Noemi never puts herself first, I am amazed by her ability to stay calm and focused, whilst taking responsibility for the whole committee. When this is said, Noemi is also a great deal of fun!

Noemi Møller Wulfsberg

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

26 years old, cand.merc. Strategic Communication, Head Coordinator.

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

To see how the teams in the committee collaborate and engage in planning and executing the events while constantly coming up with new ideas to solve any of the occuring challenges. There is so much creative energy and a positive can-do approach existing across the committee, and it is a true pleasure to experience how everyone is participating in building a new format for ACC almost from scratch. Seeing how well our kick-off event in February turned out after a lot of planning and coordination between all teams in the committee. Experiencing the committee work together for the first time was such a great and special experience to me.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Not seeing people in real life. The social aspect is an important part of ACC as well, so this year has been very different from what I expected, and I really miss seeing everyone! That you cannot control everything and sometimes, you just have to accept the facts. Luckily, this year has also proven to me that there is always a solution to new challenges.

Pass it on to who and why?

Being both a previous participant, a former member of the Business Relations team and a Head Coordinator, Jeppe is extremely invested in ACC with a lot of experiences to draw upon. He always sees situations from different perspectives, and he is always ready to give his opinion on a subject. He has a great overview and patience in explaining things in detail to others, and he is also always ready to help others out or coming up with new ideas.

Jeppe Holmfred

Age, what you study and your role in the committee:

24 years old, cand.merc Finance & International Business, Head Coordinator

What you enjoy most in the ACC committee? A great memory?

Getting to work with an amazing group of people from all across Aarhus BSS. Nothing is more motivating as a Head Coordinator than to see everyone working hard towards our common goal and all while having fun and enjoying each others company. Our Kickoff event was an amazing experience. It was our first event and thereby the first time we really got to test our ability to pull of a completely new event. Every went as planned and our Event team had ensured that everything was perfectly coordinated with 29 people working together at 6 different locations all across Aarhus. It was truly amazing to see everyone work together and see how much everybody enjoyed seeing all out hard work come to fruition.

The biggest challenge so far? And something you will take with you?

Working under so much uncertain has been incredibly difficult. Particularly in the fall where the Covid situation was slowly worsening and we could not give anyone from the organising committee or our partners a clear answer on what we were going to do. While it helped a lot when to made the decision to move ACC online, it also brought in the next 100 questions. And that is how it has been after every major decision since then. Fortunately, we have (mostly) gotten used to it by now. How important it is to have great people around you. Nothing is more motivating than getting to work with all the incredible people in the organising committee.

Pass it on to who and why?

Good things come in small packages. That is definitely true for Emma. She always brings an amazing energy and a bunch of great ideas. She has a great can-do attitude and is always ready to take on new challenges.

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